Sonia Payes

Sonia Payes


3D, Lenticular print, framed

120.00 x 89.00 cm

Edition: 1/2


Sonia Payes
Emergence 1 in Gold


polished bronze, black burnt wooden base

46.00 x 26.00 x 16.00 cm

Edition: 1/3


Sonia Payes
Emergence 1


bronze, black patina on a burnt wooden base

51.00 x 27.00 x 12.00 cm

Edition: of 3


Sonia Payes
Transient Information

lenticular print

120.00 x 89.00 cm

Edition: of 3

In the lenticular print Transient Information, past, present and future are united through the shifting expression of one of Africa’s Maasai population. Emerging from darkness, the piercing white eyes of this scarred but proud figure gaze at us from a place of knowing. As the viewer moves back and forth, a communicative channel between temporalities opens up – a sleek-faced, curious future-self observing their past incarnation – before the indominable warrior’s mortal eyes flash shut. Given that past informs future, and death engenders new life, as the viewer’s perspective changes those eyes flicker between states: resulting in a visually striking illustration of life’s eternal, regenerative cycles.
This work has many images which you’ll see in the lenticular print. This is one of the images.


Sonia Payes
Woman in Bronze



2.30 metres (height)

Edition: 3 +AP

This work invites the viewer to explore an internal self-reflection, extending themes of regeneration in an Anthropocene world where humanity has become the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
‘Woman in Bronze (2019) is the latest piece from Melbourne based artist Sonia Payes: exploring thematic preoccupations of creation, destruction, and transformation, but through a contemporary lens of growing environmental angst.’
‘Hybridity is an integral part of her artistic practice, and over a sixteen-year professional career she has combined her foundational photographic work with digital imagery, 3D technologies, animated film and sculpture.’
‘ Woman in Bronze, a distillation of humanity, Earth, and personified creation, impotently anticipates its own dissolution. But Payes remains hopeful. The sneaking crack that threatens to tear these conjoined unities apart, to divide one into two, also presents a reproductive multiplication. Bearing the visual DNA of the artist’s family – her daughters Ilana and Janine, and their own children – it conveys a fervent belief in life’s potential for regeneration.’
These lines are taken from an essay that is being published internationally soon, by Daniel Pateman, Freelance Arts Writer, U.K. 2019

Sonia Payes
Woman in Bronze


bronze (polished with ceramic overlay)

60.00 x 30.00 x 30.00 cm

Edition: 2/3


Sonia Payes
Echo - Lorne Sculpture Biennale


installation image

Sonia Payes
Venus Scape


video still, slim light box, duratran print

124.00 x 209.00 cm

Edition: 1/3


Sonia Payes
Woman in Silver and Woman in Black


fibreglass and automotive paint

60.00 x 30.00 x 30.00 cm (each)

Sonia Payes
Time Warp


3D, Lenticular print, framed

155.00 x 114.00 cm

Edition: 3 + 2 AP


Sonia Payes
Minerva in Silver


type C print, metallic paper

112.00 x 163.00 cm

Edition: 1/3


Sonia Payes
McClelland Prize 2014

Sonia Payes
Sea of Ice


C-Type Print




By Appointment
Tuesday - Friday
11:00AM - 5:00PM
11:00AM - 4:00PM


Scott Livesey Galleries
610 High Street, Prahran
Victoria, Australia, 3181