Once in a lifetime, if you’re lucky, it’s possible to find a part of the world, a climate , a terroir or habitat that is perennially compelling. To live in a place that can sustain such romantic feelings year after year is a rare privilege and I know that such is mine to be able to stay put, or within a stone’s throw of home, be in the thrall of a familiar place of great beauty, presenting itself at once indifferent and anew.
In the recent years that have led us all to evaluate our own surroundings, often not by choice, a new currency has been discovered in the self, the here, the value of the local and of the near. To consider deeply our surroundings and to observe is a very valuable and powerful thing. To be brought to see that what is within our own arms' reach is to behold, not necessarily take , but to reach something that is every bit as glamorous and exotic as someone from afar may see it.
Luke Sciberras, 2022